Call Us Toda​y: (719) 596-0802

Electrical Component and Microelectronics Testing

Some of the testing services Pikes Peak Test Labs provides include static parameters, dynamic parameters, functional parameters, correlations, logic, microcircuits, LSI and VLSI. We are your complete testing source.

Electrical Test Lab


Pikes Peak Test Labs performs mechanical and electrical calibration services. We also perform small repairs on tools. All of our calibrations are NIST traceable. We also offer on-site calibration services suited to your needs. Please call us for pricing and more information.

 +1 (719) 596-0802 Calibration Lab

Electrical Calibration Lab

Our Electrical Calibration Lab is a high capability lab, with decades of experience. We can calibrate everything from vintage equipment to moden PC based tools. Oscilloscopes, Multimeters, Function Generators and Hipot Testers are just a small series of examples of the devices we calibrate every day.

Electrical Calibration

Failure Analysis

Our FA department offers services such as: SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) Analysis, Dye and Pry, Sectioning, Bond Pull Analysis, X-Ray, Decap, Internal Inspection, Destructive Physical Analysis, Counterfeit Detection

Failure Analysis 

Device Programming

We offer programming production services for: Flash Memories, EPROMS, EEPROMs, UV-EPROMS, FPGAs, cPLDs, PLDs and many other types of programmable devices.

Device Programming 


Thermal Shock, Moisture Soak, Moisture Resistance, Powered Burn-In, Salt Atmosphere, Thermal Cycle. We are a DLA Suitable Labratory for MIL-STD-883 and MIL-STD-750 environmental testing.

Environmental Lab